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- Сервера CS 1.6
- Сервер ЗОМБИ • СЕРВА4ОК ®
Подробная информация о сервере CS 1.6 ЗОМБИ • СЕРВА4ОК ®
Basic information
ЗОМБИ • СЕРВА4ОК ® Title | |
Zombie Mod | | IP address | |
РоссияМосковская областьКоломна
Неизвестно Creator |
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0/32 players
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Monitoring | User rating | Connects | Quantity |
admanager_version - 0.5adv_gag - 1.9.0aes - 0.4allow_spectators - 1amx_client_languages - 0amx_contactinfo - amx_nextmap - zm_world_rmx_fixedamx_timeleft - 57:30amxmodx_version - 1.8.2bot_allow_grenades - 0bot_allow_machine_guns - 0bot_allow_pistols - 1bot_allow_rifles - 1bot_allow_rogues - 1bot_allow_shield - 0bot_allow_shotguns - 0bot_allow_snipers - 0bot_allow_sub_machine_guns - 0bot_auto_vacate - 1bot_chatter - offbot_deathmatch - 1bot_debug - 0bot_defer_to_human - 0bot_difficulty - 3bot_join_after_player - 0bot_join_delay - 0bot_join_team - ctbot_nav_edit - 0bot_nav_zdraw - 4bot_prefix - bot_profile_db - BotProfile.dbbot_quicksave - 0bot_quota - 1bot_quota_mode - matchbot_show_danger - 0bot_show_nav - 0bot_stop - 0bot_traceview - 0bot_walk - 0bot_zombie - 0coop - 0deathmatch - 1decalfrequency - 60edgefriction - 2ff_damage_reduction_bullets - 0.35ff_damage_reduction_grenade - 0.25ff_damage_reduction_grenade_self - 1ff_damage_reduction_other - 0.25game_version - - 2.5ahackdetector_version - 0.15.328.litehumans_join_team - ctmap_spawns - T(23) CT(23)max_queries_sec - 1max_queries_sec_global - 1max_queries_window - 1metamod_version - - 0mp_autokick - 0mp_autokick_timeout - -1mp_autoteambalance - 0mp_buy_anywhere - 0mp_buytime - 0mp_c4timer - 0mp_chattime - 0mp_consistency - 1mp_fadetoblack - 0mp_falldamage - 1mp_flashlight - 1mp_footsteps - 1mp_forcecamera - 0mp_forcechasecam - 0mp_forcerespawn - 0mp_fraglimit - 0mp_fragsleft - 0mp_freeforall - 0mp_freezetime - 0mp_friendlyfire - 0mp_give_player_c4 - 1mp_hostage_hurtable - 1mp_hostagepenalty - 0mp_infinite_ammo - 0mp_infinite_grenades - 0mp_item_staytime - 10mp_kickpercent - 0.66mp_limitteams - 0mp_logdetail - 0mp_logfile - 1mp_logmessages - 1mp_mapvoteratio - 0.66mp_maxmoney - 0mp_maxrounds - 0mp_playerid - 0mp_radio_maxinround - 0mp_radio_timeout - 0mp_respawn_immunity_effects - 1mp_respawn_immunity_force_unset - 0mp_respawn_immunitytime - 1mp_round_infinite - 0mp_round_restart_delay - 3mp_roundover - 0mp_roundtime - 7mp_scoreboard_showdefkit - 1mp_scoreboard_showhealth - 3mp_scoreboard_showmoney - 3mp_show_scenarioicon - 0mp_startmoney - 0mp_timeleft - 57:30mp_timelimit - 60mp_tkpunish - 0mp_weapons_allow_map_placed - 0mp_windifference - 1mp_winlimit - 0pausable - 0reauthcheck_version - 0.1.6resemiclip_version - 2.3.9reu_version - - 1.1statsx_shell_ver - 2.0.0 (BETA)sv_accelerate - 5sv_aim - 0sv_airaccelerate - 10sv_allowupload - 0sv_alltalk - 1sv_bounce - 1sv_cheats - 0sv_clienttrace - 1sv_contact - sv_friction - 4sv_gravity - 800sv_logblocks - 0sv_maxrate - 0sv_maxspeed - 320sv_minrate - 100000sv_password - 0sv_proxies - 1sv_restart - 0sv_restartround - 0sv_stepsize - 18sv_stopspeed - 75sv_uploadmax - 0.5sv_version -,48,3082sv_voiceenable - 1sv_wateraccelerate - 10sv_waterfriction - 1umm_version - 3.0.3(z)unreal_spawn_fixer - 1.1_resemiclip